Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd. provides a variety of services including custom hauling, custom operations, storage, and forage analysis.
Custom Operations
We offer the following custom operation services:
Tedding & Raking
Baling (small, medium & large squares)
Vertical Tillage
Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd. has a complete line of custom work equipment to harvest your alfalfa, timothy, or any type of legume field. We use preservative applicators which gives us a longer window to bale in, preserves the quality of the hay, and shortens the time spent harvesting.
Custom Storage
Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd. offers custom hay storage in and out. Our pricing includes handling the hay with competitive rates. We pay careful attention to ensure all of our products are stored properly. The products are shedded to keep the weather out to reduce bleaching of the stack and to maximize hay quality all year round. Efforts are made to deliver you a top-quality product. A larger variety of products can also be stored such as bulk fertilizer and palleted goods.
Please contact Harvey for additional information and rates.