Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd. provides a variety of services including custom hauling, custom operations, storage, and forage analysis.

Custom Analysis
By utilizing its vast chemistry database, CVAS has established a large number of feed types that can be read by NIR analysis. All of the feed types listed below are available for NIR analysis with any of our NIR packages and the plus option.
Main Forages:
(turn around time is 24 hours )
• Corn Silage
• Grass Hay
• Grass Haylage
• Alfalfa Hay
• Haylage
(Expect longer turn around time )
• Brewers Grain, wet or dry*
• Canola Meal *
• Corn Gluten Feed*
• Corn Grain
• Pasture
• Small Grain Silage
*Plus option is not relevant for these feed types
• Small Grains*
• Sorghum
• Soybean Meal*
• Straw
• Stover
Drop Off
Samples can either be dropped off at our office or at our Lethbridge drop off location:
Co-op Cardlock
3602 5 ave N Lethbridge
You will be billed $5 per drop at the drop off location in Lethbridge. If you make a drop please text us at: 403-795-2095. Every sample must include a sample submission form. There will be a few available at the drop box to fill out and they are also available online.
These options are available on hays, haylages, corn, corn silages, grain silages, small grains, and TMR.
NIR1 Plus
The NIR 1 Analysis includes tests for Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, ADF Protein, NDF Protein, Soluble Protein, ADF, NDF, Lignin, Starch, Sugar, Fat, Ash, Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), and Potassium (K) and pH on ensiled forage. Calculated values are provided for Available Protein, Adjusted Protein, Degradable Protein, NEl, NEm, NEg (OARDC Summative Energy Equation), and NFC.
Provides 30 hr NDF Digestibility with Kd rate, an NIR evaluation of fermentation acids (for ensiled forages), as well as a uNDF at 30 hrs, a uNDF at 120 hour and 240 hrs, total fatty acids, and soluble fiber. This option also includes a soil contamination probability index of low, medium, or high for forages. A nitrate probability is reported as low, medium, or high. For corn silage, the NIR Plus Option provides 12 hr NDF digestibility and 7 hr (4mm) starch digestibility.
Wet Chemistry Standard
Please contact for pricing details
Includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Crude Protein, Unavailable Protein (Haylages only), Adjusted Protein, Soluble Protein, calculated Degradable Protein (Forages only), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Ash, NFC, (Energy values on forages only) TDN, NEl, NEm, NEg, RFV (for hays and haylages), and Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu with pH on an ensiled forage.
Equine Basic
This NIR package includes Dry Matter, Moisture, Digestible Energy, NSC, NFC, RFV (hays and haylages only), Starch, Sugar (WSC and ESC), Protein, ADF, NDF, NDFom, Fat, Ash, Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), and Potassium (K).